Why Everyone Hates Escape From Tarkov

    okay here we go this is the escape from
    tarov situation now a lot of people have
    wanted me to talk about this so escape
    from tarov my understanding is that it
    is a video game and it is in fact a
    video game that has um a lot of very
    very very hardcore players before I I do
    this they put a video out on Twitter
    this is the video that has caused all of
    the problems right yes did they escape I
    think some people will escape after this
    change yes escape from tarov the unheard
    Edition trailer here we
    ooh ooh wow look at
    this oh my God it’s a guy with a
    gun uh-huh
    the unheard
    okay Co-op PVE mode okay
    cool no wipes
    uh-huh Mark of the unheard
    unique melee weapon unique arm a unique
    additionally this seems all good
    okay so so why is this
    B let’s read it let’s read it let’s read
    it because I I I don’t understand is
    250 no it’s not
    no it’s not it’s not
    $250 it is where is it where where is it
    I want to pull it up right now I’ll pull
    it up right now I want to see it
    I so this is a copy pasta they keep
    posting since
    2016 players have supported the
    developers by purchasing the highest
    edition of the game for 8 years we’ve
    been recommending this game to friends
    bringing more and more players into the
    community and what was the developers
    response they blown us off refused to
    comment and only encourage those who
    have lost all respect for themselves and
    continue to pour money in I personally
    had high hopes for tarov in my eyes it
    was a high quality most ambitious
    project on this entire Market this is
    unacceptable this is selfish this is
    disrespectful you’ve disgraced
    yourselves completely you’ve you lost
    loyal players you’ve betrayed the idea
    and it’s
    disgusting to everyone who feels the
    same way do not be
    silent spam make memes spread the word
    wherever it’s relevant this cannot be
    tolerated since
    2016 players have supported the
    developers by purchasing the
    highest that’s the same message
    it’s a copy
    paste okay yeah um right I you you got I
    I see how that happened right okay so
    currently the official Toph discuss ref
    is copy p and angry responsible tograph
    did for contacts those will to play Talk
    is seasonal multiplay extract shooter
    that has the base price of 59 USD so $60
    different pay to win bundles ranging
    from 79 to 159 the bundle includes extra
    starter content inventory space the
    normal player would speak spend weeks to
    grind for each season also has exclusive
    content such as gold game tag because
    tarov does not have other in-game
    purchases other than the heavily priced
    bundle players were okay with it and
    thanks to tarkov’s Unique gameplay the
    game gained a lot of popularity in the
    last few years nearly every chov gamer
    that I know of has purchased the $150
    bundle I actually bought it myself uh I
    played one game then I quit cuz I died
    um I killed a guy and then I was like
    bleeding and I ran away and I died from
    bleeding and I was like I I don’t I
    don’t want to figure this out and so I
    quit playing after I I I bought the $150
    bundle um tarov also had no competitor
    all somewh contenders died one after
    another the surviving tarov competitors
    that I can think of right now are a
    Chinese copy from 10 cent and net and
    Call of Duty’s DMZ uh however tarov
    discontinued their most expensive Edge
    of Darkness bundle
    oh so it’s not even it it’s not even the
    case of they added the into the game
    they took away the existing thing and
    now they’re adding this
    instead so it’s like if people are
    already buying
    $150 why not make them spend
    $250 I can see the logic there because
    if you look at 250 versus 150 you get
    $100 more do if you charge $250 right so
    like I mean you put two on top of two
    there that’s H1 [ __ ] dollars so yeah
    I I can see I can see where they were
    going with this yeah I mean they should
    have made it $1,000 honestly it would
    would have made way more money anyway uh
    tarov discontinued this and uh unheard
    bundle uh the bundle includes more pay
    toin content oh more pay toin content
    extra Pocket
    slot increase start level of your
    character increase stash bace and even
    higher starting reputation with Traders
    exclusive single player mode that does
    not wipe each season uh exclusive
    Hideout Zone and even sign sign
    transmitter to communicate with other
    players in game faster insurance pay
    speed more sell slot on in-game market
    and 50%
    discount on an in-game that’s a lot of
    money a unique melee weapon that’s a $70
    it’s a $7 Unity store asset flip AI will
    not shoot you beyond 60 M after reaching
    Max reputation with
    fence okay unlock the unlike the $150
    pay to win version many of these are
    completely exclusive and are fairly op
    in such a tactical seasonal multiplay
    shooter game players and streamers are
    mocking this
    game oh my
    God basically free PR for any tarov
    so don’t forget to completely on
    original bought assets and items wait
    what is this surely you guys didn’t B
    buy the knife off kurii off the asset
    store wait
    1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 one
    two 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 okay what about
    this right
    here okay um what about what about this
    like different color of the
    blade okay I think they changed the
    blade guys so this is different uh if
    you look at this right here uh this
    blade looks to be more worn and uh this
    one is brand new oh it’s the
    lighting oh the pricing or content isn’t
    the issue okay what is the
    issue pull me up all right you’re going
    to waste our [ __ ] time with this [ __ ]
    uh no no no no you uh you you want you
    want your attention you’re getting it
    right now you are getting attention at
    this very moment the asset flip thing
    was debunked that knife exists in real
    life we have compared the models they
    are different meshes okay so this has
    debunked okay guys it has been debunked
    by Reddit it is just simply a existing
    knife that is being used as a reference
    so logically two things that are
    referencing the same thing would look
    the same that yep there it is Reddit has
    debunked a lot of things they’ve
    debunked atheism uh they’ve debunked uh
    America they’ve debunked this knife uh
    what else uh they’ve debunked like uh I
    think a few people that were like a
    Shooters and stuff like that I mean this
    is yeah they’ve debunked God yeah I mean
    trust me this knife is just Child’s Play
    okay so what do you want what do you
    want what do you want man like you
    typing this [ __ ] come on can can we get
    this started let’s go the reason for the
    anger is because because end of oh
    that’s the this is the $150 thing had
    exclusive items promised along with free
    access to all future
    DLCs which uh which they are with new
    additions and features in game modes
    claim they are not wait wait wait wa
    wait wait wait wait I was mentally AFK
    while I was reading that I’m going to
    read it again so what you’re saying is
    that whenever they said whenever you
    bought the $150 version you were
    effectively getting um like a forever
    stamp right for like the stamps that
    never go out of date or like you’re
    getting a uh like a a a gold card and
    it’s like this will always be relevant
    this will always be valid and now they
    said your gold card it’s actually
    silver is that accurate that’s a real
    [ __ ] in the ass I’ll tell you that you
    don’t see that kind of stuff every day
    that’s bad they’re still saying it’s
    okay to charge $250 for this version as
    long as they give the people who bought
    $150 version a $250 version which they
    not so wouldn’t that literally be false
    advertising Landmark is down to
    explain uh
    Landmark do I know Landmark is he I I
    apologize I’m not sure if I recognize
    the name is he one of the guys that
    knows his [ __ ] about this he is yo
    what’s going on man not much um
    interesting day isn’t it yeah it’s a uh
    it’s a [ __ ] storm what the [ __ ] is going
    on I’ve been asking that all day not
    what we expected to wake up to they uh
    they said yesterday they were going to
    drop a patch and they were going to put
    the game down for six hours yeah and
    then we wake up and like it’s this whole
    [ __ ] storm we’re expecting like a big
    update and we get this so it’s not only
    that the community was not expecting but
    they were actually expecting to have
    legitimate content that wasn’t $250 they
    they did a little bit Yeah but we we
    knew that there was some new edition of
    the game coming so to replace the Edge
    of Darkness Edition but we didn’t think
    it was going to be this so there’s a lot
    of different people saying a few
    conflicting things so the first thing I
    was curious
    about do people really in the community
    genuinely support the game that much
    that they buy the $150 Edge of Darkness
    Edition yes it’s just like so this it’s
    like Poe kind of it is it is
    largely I probably see more people in
    game with the $150 Edition than without
    it yes and so like because I feel like
    tarov has like a they have one of the
    most dedicated communities because of
    how hardcore the game is like I’ve only
    played it for probably less than 20
    minutes so like I don’t really
    understand it very well I’ve watched
    other people play it though and it seems
    incredibly in-depth it’s like one of
    those games where you can put I’m
    assuming probably 2 3,000 hours into the
    game and still have more things to learn
    is that pretty accurate I’ve got like
    15,000 hours um yeah it it’s it’s also
    something that no other game replicates
    so there’s not really an alternative if
    you want this type of experience this is
    really at least currently the only
    option yeah I mean like dark and darker
    right but like that’s just such a
    different Dynamic and that’s just but
    it’s not it’s not shooter right it’s not
    shooter the same it’s it’s not a
    realistic take like talkov is all it’s
    real items real guns the attachments the
    Scopes all that is all real stuff so
    people that are into I want to build a
    real gun and have a real load out where
    where everything is you know true to
    life yeah there’s nothing else that does
    that yeah tarov gives you like a more
    authentic experience and I think it has
    like that extra level of realism so
    people feel like they’re having as close
    to an authentic POS experience as
    possible that basically like like if you
    build if you mod a gun out and tarov
    it’s like you could go out and and buy
    that actual gun and make it there it is
    yeah so are people mad about the $250
    price or are they just mad about the
    fact that so like apparently whenever
    you bought the $150 version you
    effectively got what was a lifetime
    membership to any future DLC and now
    they’re going back on
    that uh seemingly so I think it’s it’s
    twofold I think one $250 price tag is
    offputting to people yeah right it’s a
    lot of money you know $150 was
    already that was already a lot and then
    slapping an extra hundo on it is yeah
    it’s it’s a it’s a price shock but it’s
    it’s also the stuff that’s included in
    it partially because we’re borderline
    pay to win with some of the stuff and
    because also because there’s they say
    it’s not DLC but there’s DLC included in
    there um that was promised with the
    original edition of the game that we
    won’t get access to so there was DLC
    that was promised and that DLC is like
    for example the single player mode the
    extra Hideout Zone and that those things
    like would those is that what you’re
    considering DC I I can I can read
    directly from when you bought this
    edition of the game yeah um it says free
    access to all subsequent DLC and they
    call that the season pass such as escape
    from tarov Arena uh so we’re promised
    getting all of the subsequent DLC added
    to the game for free if you bought the
    expensive Edition so can I can I just
    real quick the escape from tarov Arena
    my understanding is that that’s a
    separate version of tarov kind of like
    how Call of Duty has war zone
    uh yes they’re supposed to be linked
    together at some point in the future but
    okay so this is getting into an
    interesting thing that we noticed on
    stream today uh so originally I have an
    archived web page of their website
    describing the Edge of Darkness Edition
    when you buy it and it
    says included in the edition free access
    to all subsequent DLC parentheses season
    pass such as escape from tarov Arena
    so they are categorizing
    DLC as alternate modes of the
    game yes but that like I read that exact
    description on the web page today yeah
    and then soon after the page was updated
    and they removed the part that says such
    as escape from tarov Arena and it now
    just says free access to all subsequent
    DLC parentheses season pass could you
    link me that thing so I could just see
    yes yeah
    crazy have the devs commented on that at
    all no and and it was it was something
    we looked at the Page live and then we
    went back and we noticed it was changed
    so we we pulled up an archived version
    of it
    uh-huh okay I’m trying to load it right
    now and they yeah they also edit it it
    might be getting blown up they edited
    some other Pages as as well live um that
    we picked up on but this was like the
    main one because it references the DLC
    so yeah I see it right here it’s in the
    first paragraph and it says in addition
    such as the case of Edge of Darkness
    limited edition access to co-op mode and
    free access and all subsequent DLC and
    this is the official website right now
    and it does says it then next it says
    when you improve the pre-order version
    all current progress so it’s like
    something else and this is the web
    archive and this archive is from
    today wow okay 25th I I literally on my
    stream I was reading the archived ver
    like live on their website and then we
    went back and it was changed so it says
    right here such as escape from tarov
    arena there it is yes and then also if
    you notice the archive version says
    unique secured container and the live
    version removes the word unique because
    the container that you got in the Edge
    of Darkness Edition is also in the new
    $250 Edition
    allegedly it’s yeah so they they went
    and they
    specifically like amended the word
    unique from the
    description yeah it says secure
    container on the official site right now
    and then before it said unique secure
    yes that’s really I think I think a lot
    of people would take the word unique to
    mean you know unique to this Edition of
    the game you can only get it if you buy
    this Edition right yeah and of course
    obviously it was led like people were
    led to believe that and unique meant
    something and now it clearly doesn’t
    that’s why it’s been removed and if you
    scroll up on the live page as well the
    the date is still from 2022 so they also
    didn’t note that this was changed so
    there’s no update I see so they just
    went in and just edited the web page and
    then took this out yeah happen I mean I
    I don’t know what else it could have
    been so why do you think they’re doing
    this now because this seems so
    surprising because like tarov is one of
    those games they have such a dedicated
    Community like I’ve seen you know like
    some streamers streaming tarov like for
    the you know obviously think you guys
    have like a lot of like really good
    drops and so I’ll see people popping off
    like tarov has such a great community
    that seems like super engaged why would
    they do
    this that is what I I’ve been I’ve been
    saying the same thing all day yeah um
    it’s a game with a dedicated Community
    like crazy fans and people you know
    they’re willing to spend money on it and
    it just seems so odd to me that this is
    how they choose to to further monetize
    the game and like I I get it you know
    they have people like me that we’ve been
    playing the game for years and you know
    maybe they feel like they want to get
    some you know recurring Revenue out of
    players or further monetize it to make
    money whatever I’m totally fine with
    that I get it your business you want to
    make money I’m all good with that but
    this just isn’t the way to do it um
    there’s so many other ways and examples
    in games where they monetize things
    fairly with with good good cosmetics and
    so forth and yeah this just seems like
    it seems like all the wrong ways to do
    this are there Cosmetics that you can
    purchase and escape from tarov for real
    money they have yes they have recently
    been adding those some of them uh I
    think probably all of them don’t quote
    me on this are unlockable through the
    game through like quests some of them
    challenging or like really endgame Quest
    some of them not but you can buy
    cosmetics in the game
    currently and these are all recently
    added um how is the commun resp how how
    have people responded to
    that I don’t think people really minded
    nobody gives a it wasn’t it wasn’t like
    a big like oh my God I have to buy that
    skin type thing right but there’s no
    there’s no like weapon camos or it’s not
    like a ghilly suit yeah it’s not like
    that and and all of it is stuff that’s
    been in the game for a while that you
    could have unlocked um or some new
    things that are unlockable regardless
    but they’re not like crazy over-the-top
    skins that people are going to lose
    their mind over and want to buy so let
    me get this [ __ ] straight so these
    [ __ ] have a community that will give
    them $150 for a game and not complain
    about microt transactions and they still
    want to increase
    it it’s yeah that’s crazy to me it’s
    like I mean it a certain point aren’t
    you killing the Golden Goose yeah I mean
    I mean wow that’s what I was saying too
    it’s like why like why put in like even
    without the controversy of this is DLC
    or it’s not DLC and it should be
    included in this Edition like why not
    take the model where you make free
    content for the game or it’s not even
    free cuz you paid for it but you add
    content to the game keep people playing
    and give them good like cosmetic stuff
    to buy the weapon skins character skins
    there’s like voice lines in the game
    that you can yell at people in game and
    I was like add some cool funny voice
    packs to buy and and yell obscenities at
    people in the game and make it fun and
    like people would people would pay money
    for that they would love it it’d be fun
    make content out of it you know yeah so
    it’s like a fortnite dance or something
    silly like that that doesn’t really have
    like a real
    G yeah and and they’re just like they
    choose to add like additional starting
    items when you start the wipe and you
    know they have this PVE game mode now
    and like so so a player that buys the
    $250 advant the the $250 version has a
    unique competitive advantage against the
    player who does not buy that version is
    that correct it’s it’s it’s a little bit
    more nuanced than that because
    it’s a weird game where like you it’s
    not like I have better gear than you I
    win sure you know you anyone can kill
    anyone with one bullet from even the
    worst gun in the game You’ be wearing
    all the best gear in the game and die
    instantly to somebody with the absolute
    worst gun worst ammo sure um but you
    definitely have an advantage in your
    starting items at the beginning of a
    stash and now there are some permanent
    things that you can get larger pockets
    and a larger secure container ER so you
    can hold more stuff or you know they’re
    not huge gameplay advantages but
    arguably they’re getting into the Pay to
    Win aspect um and they also have the new
    thing I think you read it where the
    scavs won’t shoot at you from a certain
    distance if you are maxed out reputation
    with the and then there’s another thing
    that they’re going to be adding which we
    don’t know if it’s going to be in like
    the PVP aspect of the game or just the
    PVE mode but something where if you’re
    getting in a fight you can call people
    from your friends list to join your raid
    and help you out so you can assemble the
    [ __ ] Avengers yeah while you’re
    playing and all your boys come we don’t
    know if that’s going to be in the PVP
    mode it it hasn’t been confirmed or they
    didn’t detail it out but it’s it’s just
    stuff like that where we don’t want that
    you know so I I guess yeah I mean that
    would completely ruin the game I would
    say if you can just randomly summon in
    three guys to help you kill somebody
    that would potentially suck yeah we we
    don’t know how that’s going to work yet
    so I can’t say one way or another but
    it’s just it’s just the fact that we
    even have to you know question that and
    be like hey does does this work in this
    mode is this what you guys are doing I
    mean when they’re literally changing the
    sales Clauses inside of the upgrade page
    without even mentioning that like it’s
    it’s very dishonest to say that you know
    this is from 2022 and not even address
    this at all that it was an update
    the the weird thing too is that this
    addition of the game isn’t sold anymore
    so why are they going in and changing
    wording for an addition that theyve
    stopped selling too right why why did
    you feel the need to go in there and
    even change that I think probably so I
    mean there’s a good chance that maybe
    they thought that if they did it quickly
    without saying it that then people would
    think that it was just a Mandela effect
    and it didn’t actually happen like play
    some kind of [ __ ] weird gas [ __ ]
    that’s not going to work on the internet
    I don’t know who would believe to do
    that but I don’t know it’s it’s just
    strange to me like it’s not even
    addition that they’re selling anymore so
    why are we changing the wording of it
    from a a 2-year-old post from a
    something that’s not even for
    sale yeah this is really this is really
    weird and so
    weird go ahead I don’t know I don’t know
    who’s like if it’s some Rogue employee
    that’s editing the web page or you know
    it’s hard I don’t want to point any
    fingers or draw conclusions well it just
    happened I mean we don’t know who did it
    I mean just looking at it like we
    noticed it and I was like hold on
    there’s no way they just changed that
    somebody says that they made tweets and
    doubled down on it is that
    true yeah so when people were were
    saying um the
    whole where we were promised all DLC and
    now you’re adding DLC that we’re not
    getting right they um they went out and
    they said nope this this is not a you
    know this is only a thing for the new
    edition if you have the previous Edge of
    Darkness Edition you’re not going to get
    this new PVE mode you have to buy the
    $250 Edition or spend the $150 or $100
    difference to upgrade it to get access
    to this so and this is the Tweet where
    they say PVE mode is a unique feature
    which is available only to the owners of
    the unheard Edition we will keep you
    updated on new
    features and then it’s not a unique
    feature it’s a DLC that can be purchased
    for an Edition G yeah so in in Discord
    the um the community the lead Community
    manager he said verbatim and these guys
    are they’re a Russian company so the
    their English is always a little bit
    it’ll be a little bit off yeah sure yeah
    so he said it ain’t DLC it’s a uh it’s
    unique feature of the new addition added
    and then also further said DLC means
    additional downloadable content PVE is a
    feature and game mode just because you
    all want it to become a DLC it wouldn’t
    mean it is one It’s featured game mode
    for the new edition of the
    game so I bet that didn’t go over very
    well no no no their Discord is on fire
    it’s just con it’s been constant spam
    for hours I I I feel like it is kind of
    funny because the odds are yes maybe
    they don’t understand English quite all
    that well so they say it’s not DLC and
    then they just literally Define DLC yeah
    that’s basically Happ it’s like the
    thing is too this isn’t a this is a An
    Early Access game yeah so it’s it’s not
    and even when you go and buy to buy the
    game on their website it says it doesn’t
    say instant access to the game it says
    you will get instant access to the
    closed beta so they’re literally
    defining it as a work in progress
    incomplete beta version of what will
    soon be a final product right and
    they’re making additional content for
    the game and putting it for sale for an
    additional price before they’ve made or
    fulfilled their promise of making and
    completing the game which to me is is
    just like really
    off-putting well yeah I mean I I could
    see how anybody would believe that it’s
    ridiculous yeah it’s like go ahead no
    it’s just it’s it’s just so strange to
    me like you know you would think you
    would at least fulfill your promise to
    complete the game with all the promise
    features and then you know if you have
    additional stuff to add you’d add it
    then it’s like you’re adding extra stuff
    whenever you haven’t even finished doing
    what you said you were going to do what
    everybody has invested money into with
    with maybe money that people gave you to
    create the game right well they did I
    mean 100 money to to make the game that
    you promised and then you’re trying to
    charge them for something you’re
    building with their money that they’re
    not getting for the original product
    that is incredible how does the
    community feel about like what seems to
    be an encroaching more pay towin
    system I we we always like the original
    Edge of Darkness Edition yeah already it
    already tiptoed the line of some people
    would argue it had pay to win aspects it
    wasn’t like
    overtly Pay to Win by any means but you
    know it it was kind of getting there
    like you know well it’s an advantage
    though right and it’s a unique Advantage
    okay there was some sort of advantage
    for sure people called it pay to con pay
    for convenience not pay to win okay so
    it’s pay to win then yeah I could I
    could see people’s you know people’s
    argument there you wouldn’t get like a
    direct if I’m in a gunfight with with
    another person in the game like with
    having the better addition make you win
    probably not but but still uh it was
    getting on a slippery slope and now it
    feels like we’ve just [ __ ] [ __ ] Dove
    off the yeah jumped off the cliff
    yeah that is incredible so has has
    anything like this ever happened cuz I
    feel like the last like escape from
    tarov I mean there was like the whole
    wiggle thing right with like the
    cheating scandal and before that I feel
    like things have been pretty much smooth
    sailing so have they ever had like a big
    controversy like this
    before no uh I mean until recently you
    could only bought there were like two or
    three editions of the game for sale they
    never changed they were always available
    they recently removed the Edge of
    Darkness Edition started adding some
    microtransactions and then they said
    they would be adding a new better
    version of the game and they Dro this
    this morning and speaking about new
    better ver there actually no I lied
    there was a controversy when they
    released um the escape from tarov Arena
    mhm so everyone that had edge of dark
    was supposed to get access to Arena and
    when they initially released the game
    they did it in waves so I mean you know
    makes sense you don’t want to throw
    everyone into the game at once and
    servers and then people are mad but what
    they were
    doing allegedly was if you were buying
    if you had EOD you wouldn’t get access
    right away you’d be waiting in one of
    the waves but people that bought the
    game straight up like Arena
    paid the price for it on a separate
    account would get immediate access oh
    yeah yeah I can EAS there were people
    buying it getting in right away and the
    people that maybe bought the game six
    years ago dropped the 150 they were
    waiting and how much was Arena whenever
    it came out I think it was
    $30 35 right okay well was at least not
    $70 but still I mean $30 is a lot of
    money for a lot of people yeah but it it
    was also just fact that you had
    dedicated people that were supporting
    the game for years and then they were
    sitting around not getting access
    waiting waiting waiting and it’s like oh
    well if you pay us money we’ll let you
    in right away yeah no it’s it’s
    obviously a scam and I I could imagine
    like if you spent the money and they
    told you you were going to get this and
    then somebody else spends more money and
    they get it faster than you do I think
    that’s kind of a [ __ ] scam I mean
    it’s not even a question it it sucks you
    that was a big problem I felt terrible
    hearing about that oh no doubt I mean I
    I that’s that’s astonishing and I I
    think especially like you know as a
    streamer right I mean you probably have
    disposable income to buy something like
    this but for some people $30 is a good
    amount of money and if you’ve already
    spent $150 which is like almost the
    price of like maybe like a last gen
    console even or like a TV you would
    expect to not be a second class citizen
    effectively which is what that creates
    yeah and and again it’s not even
    regardless of how much money the game
    was like as an early supporter someone
    that like yeah you know we’re talking
    this game’s been out for a long time so
    like six seven years ago even you might
    have supported this game early on and
    they’re they’re kind of just like well
    we already got your money we don’t need
    to please you and people evangelized the
    we’ll give you we’ll give you access
    later like yeah you know the people that
    pay money are more important now exactly
    no yeah and also it’s like people
    evangelize the game I have a lot of
    people that have wanted me to play
    Escape from darkov they’ve been trying
    to push me to play it and like all those
    people are pushing that and by doing
    that they are trying to advertise and
    promote the game so it’s crazy to just
    like take all that Goodwill and then
    make somebody pay $30 extra for it it’s
    like such a like I mean personally I
    would assume that you probably wouldn’t
    want to sell it until you have your
    existing players that are playing the
    game but I I feel like if you do
    something like that it’s got to be on
    H yeah I I don’t know I
    mean don’t attribute to malice what can
    be attributed to
    incompetence there it is yeah you know
    no you’re right you’re very right you I
    don’t I don’t want to think the worst
    it’s just it it it just feels so wrong
    trying to like get money out of people
    this way yeah it’s kind of a bait and
    switch at least a little bit and what
    sucks is honestly the game it’s a good
    game you know it does something that no
    other game does like you won’t play
    another game I mean Call of Duty has
    been trying to do it right like if Call
    of Duty can’t do it it’s probably pretty
    [ __ ] hard to do there it 100% like
    what they’ve done what they’ve done with
    the game is is great they’ve they’ve
    done a good job of building out the
    features and adding to it over time and
    you don’t get the experience of this
    game anywhere else and it it sucks that
    like this is how you know people are
    going to be treated or that people feel
    they’re being treated in in a game
    that’s honestly very good
    I I definitely understand that I I see
    that very very well I mean I know like
    for for a while there have been a lot of
    instances where like you know that
    needle was moved a little bit more where
    it’s like okay there’s a little bit more
    pay to win and oh you have to pay a
    little bit more for this and you know I
    think it’s been happening with gaming in
    general right so it’s like people see
    this happening with things like uh you
    know Suicide Squad or that Star Wars
    game or like some of these other like
    Diablo 4 right and they have like these
    crazy microtransactions and it’s like
    you know can imagine the people from
    Escape from tarov probably are like okay
    well we’re safe we’re just in our own
    little bubble and now you know the
    bubbles burst and you’ve got to deal
    with the same [ __ ] that everybody else
    does yeah and and you know I get it
    making games is is tough it’s a big risk
    to try and you know come out and develop
    something like this a big undertaking
    there’s a lot of money involved there’s
    expenses and and also just get the
    aspect of you know you make you build a
    big brand in an IP and I don’t think
    there’s anything with wrong with trying
    to a profit off of that right like like
    you’re a business they’re they’re there
    to make money these guys have put in
    tons of work they’ve they’ve sacrificed
    a lot they’ve taken risks they should be
    rewarded for it but this just isn’t the
    way to do it you know it just sounds
    awful right and it’s like again there’s
    really no upside for the customer and I
    think that’s one thing it’s like it’s
    the same with streaming it’s the same
    with anything else like a movie a TV
    show it’s like your business model is
    not an excuse for creating a bad
    customer experience right and and it it
    there are plenty of opportunities in
    this game to like fairly monetize it and
    add yeah like content or you know skins
    Cosmetics whatever it is that people
    would genuinely be happy to spend money
    on right which which is the weird part
    like there there’s so many different
    ways they could have done this and I’m
    sure without me just thinking today they
    could have come up with some really
    creative stuff and it just like it feels
    like this was just like a a cop out like
    oh we’re going to we’re going to charge
    150 bucks added some easy stuff just cuz
    we can you know so they also made a
    tweet too about [ __ ] on another game
    this Arena breakout what the so is this
    another what is this okay
    so glad you brought this up yeah so or
    Arena breakout was kind of like I’ll say
    tarov clone quote unquote on mobile
    right on mobile um so it’s basically you
    play it on your phone it was an
    extraction looter shooter it had all the
    same features go on raids get loot
    customize your guns do quests yada yada
    uhhuh a couple days ago they announced
    Arena breakout infinite which is their
    PC version of it so now it directly
    competes with tarov they’re they’re
    they’re trying I mean evident by their
    tweets they’re coming after tarov like
    they want to capture the players of this
    game or people interest in the game it’s
    going to be free to play on Steam so
    they they started tweeting out a bunch
    of stuff let me let me pull up one of
    them so I could actually read it okay
    so they’re basically this is a big
    opportunity for them to like capitalize
    on T [ __ ] up they they literally
    announced it a couple days ago and they
    have a beta out like next month so
    they’re like all right dude this is
    perfect timing let’s get the pr guys on
    this get the tweets out so they they
    they dropped like a Gameplay trailer
    today um to show it off they said
    literally verbatim we will never scam
    our players and our game will always be
    free right before they dropped the the
    trailer for it and then they also later
    let me find the Tweet they said uh
    taking in all the homeless shooter
    looters at tarov we’re here to welcome
    you and then they that is so [ __ ]
    Shameless oh my God I mean you know I I
    get it
    yeah wow oh so they battle State Games
    who makes tarov their respons resp to
    this they they like quote tweeted it
    basically yeah their response was they
    they took a screenshot of the tweet and
    they said have a nice 20 minute
    Adventure in the blatant plagiarist game
    in and
    out oh they their response to this whole
    thing they’re like all right our players
    are upset at us for dropping this
    DLC like DLC that’s not DLC the $250
    game Edition and and their response
    everyone’s mad at us and this other game
    you know trying to be a competitor let’s
    tell our players have a nice 20 minute
    Adventure like go off yourself yeah
    exactly and they’re they’re even saying
    they’re calling blatant plagiarist game
    in and out oh
    boy just like double triple down on it
    like you would think you maybe all right
    let’s let’s take a step back everyone’s
    mad at us let’s let’s think about what’s
    going on is this really do you really
    need to fire off a y Queen tweet about
    like some mobile game competitor
    whenever you’re in the middle of a
    controversy that people think they’re
    getting scammed in it’s not even it’s
    not even going to be a mobile this is
    going to be a PC version of the game so
    it’ll be I think it’s a dedicated PC
    version like directly coming after them
    uh but you just think you know like all
    right people are mad at us this other
    game is taking shots at us let’s take a
    step back let’s maybe come up with some
    response to address people’s concerns
    you know maybe we’ll we’ll we’ll say hey
    gonna we we realize we’re looking into
    this we hear you yeah just even
    something like not even to make like a
    big statement we’re reverting something
    just say hey we hear you we’re we’re
    currently you know we’re going to have
    some discussions and we hear you we’re
    going to think about it not even that
    they’re just like yeah you know let’s
    get on Twitter and [ __ ] [ __ ] on
    everyone yeah hopefully you know we can
    make these people you know we can make
    the fans hate these people more than
    they hate us so we’ll be okay yeah like
    that so like what’s with this so Dr L
    has like the most liked comment here
    about cheating so so like what there’s
    they’re still
    cheating I mean so yes I think it’s
    really it’s it’s not there there is an
    issue it it seems to come in waves with
    this game where there’s a famili with
    that there’s a big yeah there’s a big
    rise in cheaters they detect a bunch
    then it’s good for a while then it picks
    up again you know it’s sometimes it’s
    awful sometimes it doesn’t feel that bad
    uh I think that’s a big problem in just
    FPS gaming in general right now it’s
    nuts man like everyone seems it’s every
    game like Pub I remember pubg added that
    [ __ ] especially people playing from
    China with like 500 Ms and then like
    they’re also aimbotting you oh my God
    yeah and then there was the Apex Legends
    thing where people hacked in the
    tournament you know Call of Duty’s been
    riddled with it so it it doesn’t it you
    know there is a cheating problem in the
    game game for sure undeniably sometimes
    it’s worse sometimes it’s all right but
    every game seems to be struggling with
    that so I wouldn’t directly pin it on
    them specifically I think that’s fair
    that’s a pretty charitable thing to say
    I can understand that Activision or EA
    can’t figure out the cheating problem
    like you know it it’s probably tough to
    figure out right now so what do you
    think is going to happen like now that
    this whole thing has happened and you
    know like the community seems to be
    Absol AP [ __ ] about this okay so
    something just dropped yeah Twitter
    dropped the community notes on games
    tweet I saw that the PVE mode is not a
    unique feature and it literally just
    links is this the Wikipedia link yeah I
    saw that Wikipedia downloadable content
    uhhuh oh my
    God man wow not looking good at
    all Community notes doing a public
    that’s great so what do you think what
    do you think is going to happen with the
    community now like do you think like uh
    like they’re going to roll it back you
    think people are going to trust them
    again like what what’s your what’s your
    read on it I struggle to see them going
    back on this um just as a company they
    don’t they don’t roll back things often
    whether even if it’s a patch they they
    drop a patch and there’s some issues
    with it they very rarely even roll back
    a patch that in roduce some like
    gamebreaking stuff um so the precedent
    is kind of there for them to stick to
    their guns
    mhm but I think people are people are
    definitely upset I think a lot of people
    aren’t going to be buying this for sure
    it it it sucks though because the game
    is honestly it’s a good game you know
    it’s fun to play I love it but it’s
    [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] up damn I’m playing
    this game and I’m supporting this in
    some capacity now I watched the trailer
    and the game looked good like I was like
    oh wow this is a lot of really cool
    stuff maybe I should try this out and
    then I open up the web page and it’s
    $250 yeah I mean and and that’s like so
    and there’s no other way to get the
    single player game play unless you pay
    $250 is that right no that’s it you
    can’t even if you wanted to play like
    the the co-op PVE mode with your friends
    it’s not a separate thing you can buy
    it’s only in the
    $250 Edition that is amazing
    um there there is a uh a mod for the
    game like a single player mod that I’ve
    never played it um they’ve always said
    that you could get banned for playing it
    or something like that people say it’s
    great so there is an alternative to it
    if you wanted to play
    it so there’s that but yeah if you
    wanted to play like the official
    whatever PVE mode that they added the
    only way is to drop 250 that is nuts
    so like I and that’s that’s what’s so
    crazy to me about this it’s like how do
    you think that that’s a reasonable price
    point because like I I just can’t
    imagine because I I feel like having a
    PVE mode that’s cheaper would probably
    get people to maybe try out the PVP it
    should if anything be the opposite in my
    mind yeah well how do you even come up
    how do you even come up with this
    edition’s $100 more than the other like
    how are you quantifying the value there
    you know yeah it’s it’s like b game let
    me let me check but the base game’s like
    $45 maybe really okay yeah people are
    saying it was 60 but buy it’s 50 now I
    think it used to be I think it used to
    be so the base game is $50 so for five
    times more money so it’s $150
    game effectively like for PVE well you
    you can no no no if you if you want the
    PVE co-op mode that they just added it’s
    $ 250 oh sorry no I did the math wrong
    so you’re paying $200 extra dollars
    just for PVE in that case and and some
    other additional items in the game Etc
    but more or less yeah man that is
    crazy that is you know because there was
    a game that got announced recently Star
    Wars Outlaws and it had a deluxe you
    know Omega Edition for
    $130 and I feel like that was like 2
    weeks ago and everybody was saying like
    well there’s no no way it’s worse
    anything happens it’s worse than this
    and this is 2 weeks later and it’s
    double mhm oh my God I I remember dude
    buying Call of Duty with night vision
    goggles for like 100 bucks back in the
    day remember yes yes and and it was it
    was a little bit cheesy but like [ __ ] it
    you get the RC car too drive around you
    get the whole thing like you get the
    remember the deluxe edition at like uh
    GameStop and like you pre-order it
    because they don’t have that many boxes
    it’s like oh yeah we really need to
    pre-order this video game this Deluxe
    digital Edition that you just download
    oh yeah let’s pay extra money to
    pre-order this [ __ ] I I I dude how I
    don’t know how it’s happened I have no
    clue it’s yeah it’s just it’s gotten
    crazy and and you know I again I get
    like the C games have become so complex
    now like the cost the cost of making
    these games and like the the resources
    and just the Manpower you have to put in
    to make them is is probably
    exponentially increased it has you know
    back 10 years ago so I get it like the
    price of Games and Things has to go up
    and they have to find creative ways to
    monetize them
    $250 there there’s there’s good and bad
    ways to do that and I think making a fun
    game for people to play even if you
    charge some amount of money for it and
    then you you create content for it you
    keep people playing and engaged and you
    monetize through things that people want
    to buy buy to show off in the game or
    whatever I I don’t really see a problem
    with that well they’ve got to make money
    somehow right and I understand that I I
    try to be as Fair as I can be I mean
    like yes we can sit here and act like
    Boomers and be like Oh back in my day
    you just used to buy the game and you
    could play it offline and everything
    like yeah yeah for sure we can do that
    but yeah I understand that too and I
    think that’s reasonable a $250 ENT a lot
    of [ __ ] money it’s it’s deep Char
    yeah yeah you could you could you could
    charge a different price or at least
    piece out the content maybe you know
    like if you wanted this other PVE mode
    that they added charge a price for it so
    someone can just buy
    that better ways to do it it’s it’s just
    a mess right now yeah it’s so weird
    because like I’m sure a lot of people
    would want to try the PVE mode if it was
    like a smaller fee do you think that the
    community would have responded more
    positively towards this if this game
    mode and everything was included in the
    Edge of Darkness Edition do you think
    any of this would have even really
    happened no I mean people people would
    meme the $250 price tag but I think a
    lot of people they feel like you know
    they’ve been jabbed because they were
    promised you know it l says all
    subsequent DLC and then they come out
    with this this extra thing that’s not
    included and their response to it isn’t
    oh yeah you know we [ __ ] up it’s no
    this this is isn’t DLC yeah it’s not DLC
    and you see these other guys you see
    they’re [ __ ] copying our [ __ ] can you
    believe that yeah yeah that that’s what
    I I think that’s really like what set
    people off right like having like maybe
    some pay to win [ __ ] in the game is
    people would be mad about it but I don’t
    think there would have been this type of
    outrage it’s like the insult to the
    intelligence of the customer yeah and
    it’s as if we don’t know what DLC is
    yeah and it’s like hey man I I L I
    bought you got people that 7 years ago
    dropped 150 bucks and they’re like dude
    I I supported you in this game was like
    Bare Bones nothing and you know I’ve
    been with you all the way on this and
    then you’re trying to you know you’re
    trying to milk me for more money yeah
    exactly I mean like [ __ ] uh $150 7 years
    ago might almost be $250 now [ __ ] so
    it’s like now they’re paying 500
    probably too something with the way
    things are going now it’s nuts man and
    like I just I I’m always amazed whenever
    I see a company do something like this
    because it just seems like it’s such an
    obvious ridiculous decision to make it
    it it’s like how do you do something
    like this and think that there won’t be
    a huge backlash and I I think especially
    like if any Community can like
    effectively protest this I think it
    could maybe be escape from tarov because
    of how like dedicated the fan bases it’s
    like if they put something like this in
    the Candy Crush there’s no way you’re
    going to be able to do anything about it
    I mean it’s not even I mean what is the
    the Candy Crush Community I have no idea
    yeah it’s the people that uh you know
    stay home all day yeah and and I mean
    all the the the big streamers on the
    game like every everyone’s like no I’m
    not buying this [ __ ] [ __ ] that like so
    like nobody and like so is that really
    the case where like nobody’s even really
    paying attention to this or like playing
    it I mean we’re people are playing it
    like again like I don’t want to stop
    playing the game cuz it’s weird right
    yeah yeah it’s cuz I like the game I
    have fun with it it’s like there’s
    there’s not a replacement for it yet um
    so it it’s a weird pickle to be in some
    people some people bought the addition
    just to like see what all the stuff is
    and check out the mode and like so we
    can actually make an informed decision
    on it so you know a content creator that
    bought it to be like all right what’s
    the deal with this why is this 2 myself
    just show people like all right you know
    if you’re be dropping 250 here’s what
    you’re going to get that’s very fair I
    wouldn’t I wouldn’t get mad at anyone
    for doing that yeah like there’s there’s
    a real thing but we’ve seen it all now
    I’m not buying it [ __ ] no I’m not I’m
    not doing that’s it you’re done yeah but
    you don’t want to quit the game because
    you love the game it’s got a unique type
    of gameplay but it’s like this is just
    some really rat [ __ ] like you know if I
    continue to play the game that’s one
    thing but I won’t be supporting this
    type of practice of monetization you
    know what do you think players should do
    like do you think that they should stop
    playing if they believe it is it like a
    decision that you think that you know
    it’s like everybody makes their own
    decision or the weird thing that if you
    play the game you’ve already bought it
    you know like that’s a good point yeah
    they’ve already got your money so
    playing playing it
    more is it is it wrong to do like
    probably not but like maybe don’t don’t
    buy into the new stuff that they had cuz
    you’ve already paid for it like you know
    why why just throw it away and waste
    your money at that point very fair I
    think that’s a really good take if if
    anything if you wanted you’re just
    running up their server costs maybe yeah
    yeah so it’s like yeah keep now you have
    to keep playing it right to punish open
    leave it open
    247 right yeah stay on the server and I
    I feel like a lot of this is like a lot
    of it is like pretty shady but the
    changing the dialogue for the pre-order
    upgrade and not even saying that you’re
    updating it that is that’s I think
    that’s on another level man like that’s
    that’s something that I think they
    should at least take some accountability
    for and at least like just be like yeah
    we did this we’re sorry or something
    like that yeah and again it it’s tough
    to say who did I don’t know who runs the
    website or you know who does that or if
    this was like everyone sat down at a
    table somewhere and they’re like all
    right how are we going to get out of
    this we’re going to we’re going to go in
    and change the the definitions of these
    things retroactively so it I don’t want
    to make any like hard statements about
    that but it when I saw it I was like
    hold on man what just happened like like
    what’s going on why are we changing this
    stuff yeah and it it’s I I think
    especially whenever it’s being changed
    in a way that’s like very non-ad to the
    customer I feel like that’s what really
    gets people’s alarm bells ringing you I
    think that’s pretty fair espe you know
    like the price of gaming is going up so
    much I mean two I feel like $250 I would
    say it’s a new low but it’s actually a
    high right yeah I mean I I can’t really
    of just buying an addition of a game
    that’s that much money I mean you could
    definitely you can drop you know
    thousands on in game purch [ __ ]
    mobile games yeah sure yeah but I
    mean this is like this is Uncharted
    Territory almost well what do you hope
    do developers when I I did like a short
    stream in the morning sure when when
    this dropped and and when I ended off I
    said you know I hope they really they go
    you know they they take a moment here
    and they step back and they say hey
    everyone’s mad at us what are what are
    we going to do about this how can we you
    know make this right with the player
    base and I I was hoping that they would
    just you know come back with some
    statement and and or at least like we
    said before say hey we hear you we’re
    we’re going to we’re going to take some
    time and look it and look into this like
    please be patient we hear you though and
    they’ve like I L I ended my stream I
    went to go work out and I was on Twitter
    and I was seeing them post thing about
    Arena breakout and everything I’m like
    holy [ __ ] I go live again they’re just
    they’re going in on it I was like I I
    did not expect that I thought you know
    if there was something that would make
    them take a step back and and analyze
    like all right we we [ __ ] up like
    people are mad you know like where did
    we go wrong it’s just completely toned
    up maybe they’re doing that right now I
    certainly hope so I’m sure they are
    realistically yeah but but right now
    it’s just it’s crazy I mean people
    people are people are pissed what a
    circus yeah people are telling me the
    conversion rates they’re saying it’s
    $350 in Canadian dollars I mean
    $329 in Euros it’s 250 USD if you’re in
    if you’re in like Australia what is that
    in nearly 400 kangaroo dollars somebody
    says in my chat oh my [ __ ] god well
    let me see 383 Australian
    dollars let me see um 250 USD is 383 26
    oh my God
    383 Australian dollar oh my God that is
    crazy someone just said it’s what
    430 Australian after
    430 after tax is bro
    like I bought a car for like $500 before
    like we’re getting dangerously close to
    a video game being the price of a car
    this is
    yeah this a real situation you wouldn’t
    download a car would you I mean
    [ __ ] I I this is crazy I just can’t no
    now you can I yes yeah now you can give
    it a couple more years and you’ll be
    able to download a car oh oh yeah oh my
    god well I mean [ __ ] man I I do hope
    that they fix it I really do and I want
    to say thanks a lot for coming on and
    you know like I I I think you represent
    the community so well like you’re
    probably especially in terms of all of
    the controversies and things that I’ve
    seen I think that you have like really
    good takes on this and you’re very
    measured and I appreciate that a lot I
    respect that I I respect you as well man
    big big fan by the way hey man I
    appreciate it I always like hearing your
    takes on stuff um so you know it’s it’s
    an unfortunate thing to happen but you
    know maybe maybe if this is getting so
    much attention M companies see this and
    they’re like all right hold we don’t
    want to pull one of these let’s yeah you
    know if we’re thinking about getting
    crazy with some of the purchases yeah it
    sets an example you know let’s let’s
    stand back and go all right we don’t
    want this to blow up and out we don’t
    want to be on Forbes and articles about
    this like let’s let’s think about this
    for a moment yeah I saw one of those one
    out about the skate from tarov pretty
    recently I’m pretty sure yeah yeah
    there’s there’s a something on Forbes
    and PC Gamer and yeah it’s going all
    over what a disaster
    man yeah well I I do I do really
    appreciate you coming on and talking
    about it I I I I’ll probably you know
    wrap everything up with my chat and then
    you know probably follow up with this
    tomorrow see where things go hopefully
    hopefully better right I hope so but
    yeah only time will tell absolutely man
    well anyway it was really good meeting
    you and talking with you thanks a lot a
    pleasure man thank you as well see you
    later man peace take it easy what a good
    dude yeah I really like him he’s great
    yeah it was actually like kind of
    shocking like he I feel like if dude cuz
    like I think about myself it’s like bro
    if you put a $250 game version of a game
    in a that I played bro I would be maling
    so hard and I like super hard respect
    the fact that he didn’t pop the [ __ ] off
    about it and he was like still like very
    reasonable like CU it’s like I can’t
    imagine that bro I would be
    exploding it’s like y’all Y y’all saw
    the salt and that was over a $25 Mount
    so yeah I I mean that was good I I I and
    again like anybody from Escape from
    tarov like uh you know like this sucks
    guys like this [ __ ] sucks and I hope
    this you know I I hope that there’s a
    resolution for this because this is
    totally [ __ ] unfair it’s ridiculous
    they scammed you in my opinion I mean
    you change this you say it’s future
    dlc’s people buy it under that pretense
    and then you change the wording ah gez
    dude you know it’s one of those
    things so yeah imagine $250 paying $250
    for a beta yeah there you go how much
    have you spent on wow yeah but how much
    money have I had to spend on wow that’s
    the difference right $250 is a full
    month salary and some countries like
    Lebanon and Egypt well I mean I’m sure
    they have some Regional pricing right do
    they have Regional pricing I don’t know
    yeah I I have no idea well made him yeah
    yeah no okay so then it’s a full
    salary wow okay they don’t it’s going to
    be funny reading all the people
    defending the scam in the YouTube
    comments I feel like this is so bad you
    can’t cuz it’s like they change they
    change this I mean this is they they
    change the words I mean how can you
    possibly say this isn’t a problem like
    that is crazy to me man you can check
    the regional price on Steam DB oh oh
    yeah you know what I do know that
    because I remember that whenever they
    blocked the coffin of Andy and Le in
    Australia I I yeah I did know that and
    uh you’re forgetting how dumb people are
    well I think what happens this is
    probably what happens is that somebody
    is already $150 deep into the game or
    they’ve also bought microtransactions
    they’re $2,000 hours deep into the game
    and maybe they’ve already bought the
    thing and then it’s on Steam oh good
    point um but and so like they’ve they’ve
    done all of this and like now I mean
    like let’s be real it’s like what what I
    said with [ __ ] star rail right they
    are are literally invested in this game
    like they’re they’re like hundreds of
    dollars into this game so like they
    don’t want to like step back and say hey
    maybe I was goofing around a little bit
    because this is like such a huge amount
    of money that they’ve that they’ve
    invested in it’s a bit more yeah yeah
    exactly there’s a lot of 2K Andes people
    can write off another $100 and only
    money coming as hackers buying new
    copies honestly well I mean like yeah
    but you’ve always got new people that
    are coming into Tet like any game that
    has a consistent core player base that
    means that they’re having a lot of new
    players coming in and it’s the same with
    like almost any game like your game
    begins to die whenever it’s simple it’s
    like cells or like the like a person’s
    body right your body begins to break
    down when cells break down at a faster
    rate than they’re replenishing
    themselves very very simple such a
    simple concept
    so I I I feel like escape from tarov has
    maintained a player base which means
    that they are having new players come in
    I feel like it it’s it’s guaranteed
    isn’t it look at Star Citizen many
    people spend a lot of money on a new
    ship with no
    problem uh what’s the difference between
    this and Star Citizen I mean like I
    don’t know um I I think it’s also like I
    don’t let me think yeah what is the
    difference like it’s a scam it’s a
    physician escape from T gameplay funding
    a tech demo longevity yeah I really
    don’t know and also like a lot of people
    have criticized star citiz right I mean
    like scam citizen is pretty pretty
    popular thing to say so I can’t really
    go and act like this is some sort of
    like unique thing to escape from tarov
    is dealing with I feel like a lot of
    companies that do something like this
    are um you know are are getting [ __ ] on
    basically so yeah that’s at least like
    that’s that that’s what I think about it
    SAR citizen didn’t promise all the [ __ ]
    for free and then charge him for it yeah
    I think that actually might be the big
    difference uh I I would say myself but I
    do really hope that the uh the players
    can get at least some degree of um oh I
    don’t know what the word is for it
    um like think retribution is a little
    bit too much right restitution how about
    that a a little bit you know a little
    bit dialed down uh yeah do you think a
    sub model for newer game would work like
    it did for wow it’s really hard to
    say yeah with the account bundles
    there’s a band wave the devs launch a
    bundle discount which is clearly bought
    by cheaters so it’s like an
    international money glitch with cheaters
    H maybe that’s the case I don’t know how
    how valid something like that would be
    but I could see why people would believe
    it for sure I mean that it’s
    crazy I hope that they can effectively
    boycott this and actually create a
    change because I feel like a lot of
    times this happens and then no real
    change happens lies spits into place and
    like people just end up coming back to
    it and letting it happen and I do really
    hope that
    I hope that people can actually push
    back against
    this they’ve always done a band wave
    then instantly do a mass sale every time
    super annoying that is kind of funny
    yeah it’s like how you you know what
    you’re doing that’s a massive [ __ ] you
    to the player base who are passionate
    for the game I feel like and like maybe
    this is just stupid cuz like I don’t
    really know a lot about the game but
    this is the way it feels it feels like
    escape from tarov is the Path of Exile
    of FPS games where it’s like this is the
    game that like if you want to be like a
    super in-depth player and you love like
    tons and tons and tons of complexity and
    like detail and like you know I guess
    you know at least for this is the same
    for po right but like for escap from
    dark like realism like this is where you
    go to get that experience right the Dark
    Souls of Shooters oh that’s good I like
    that um yeah nobody’s used that before
    so it’s like I I imagine if they did
    something like this to Poe like what
    what like the parallel for that would be
    I mean like the poe Reddit goes on fire
    you know if the servers are down for 5
    hours on the server uh on the new league
    right so like I mean I’m pretty sure
    that if this happened in pee they would
    it would burn down all of Reddit so yeah
    like Chris Wilson would have to instead
    of write a Manifesto he’d have to write
    a book so yeah I mean I see this happen
    and I think about other communities that
    that it could have happened to and it
    it’s it’s nuts man

    Escape From Tarkov $250 Pay-2-Win DLC Situation.
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