maybe I’ll do like a spin maybe I’ll do
    like a hello folks no that didn’t feel
    right hello hi folks today is Friday
    April 26 2024 as usual my name is Jake
    baldino here to talk about all the video
    game news that has been going on this
    week yes once again it’s Jake on the
    road in a weird hotel room I’m traveling
    for secret reasons but we have video
    game news to talk about so let’s just
    jump in the first thing it’s a lot of
    rumors and speculation this week so so
    just you know get ready for that uh but
    the biggest thing right now is really a
    little Grand Theft Auto news and a
    little birdie a little detail about what
    could have been with GTA 5 single player
    DLC this has been a thing for a while I
    mean some people I feel like at this
    point GTA 5 has been out for so long
    that some people like weren’t even born
    yet but there was originally seemingly
    plans to do single player expanded
    content you know the expectation was
    that GTA 5 will continue in GTA 4’s
    footsteps uh with something like ballot
    of Gay Tony law and Dam something like
    that and there was never anything but
    thankfully now uh the actors the voice
    actors for the main characters of GTA V
    have kind of gone on record uh this was
    reported by the loadout it was on uh a conversation with the
    actors and we got some details believe
    it or not very small but still the
    biggest comes from actor Steven OG who
    of course played Trevor I will link the
    whole podcast in description down below
    as well as all the news I talk about
    today but the quote is Trevor was going
    to be undercover he works for the Fed
    and we did shoot some of that stuff with
    James Bond Trevor he’s still kind of a
    [ __ ] up but he’s doing his best to
    pretend to be like a secret agent we
    shot some stuff and then it just
    disappeared and Rockstar never did it
    they never followed up on it that to a
    lot of people is like highkey almost
    confirmation of agent Trevor being a
    thing agent Trevor if you don’t know was
    like uh dayto mind phrase that people
    found thinking that there was going to
    be like a Trevor spin-off DLC and agent
    Trevor actually sounds like a really
    cool idea as a certified Trevor hater I
    found him kind of annoying I still think
    an agent Trevor type of thing would have
    gone for some really good comedy and
    like over- the top moments but now it
    seems like we’re never getting that
    Rockstar has clearly moved on with Grand
    Theft Auto 6 I mean they’ve kind of
    moved on because they’re doing GTA
    online still of course uh with Michael’s
    voice actor just suggesting or
    speculating that they never followed up
    or never continued with because they
    were just so busy with GTA online and I
    think that’s most people’s assumption I
    think that’s a fair assumption but all
    we could do now is just kind of sit
    around and think about what could have
    been hearing about this is that
    something that you’d be interested in
    playing or not really let me know now
    this next story comes from uh leaker
    Jonathan on Twitter it’s reported by
    Insider gaming so uh it’s people who
    sometimes have a decent track record but
    take it all with a grain of salt of
    course this is rumors and speculation
    but this person is saying that the
    Watchdog brand the Watchdog franchise as
    of right now is dead and buried quote
    unquote this possibly because of uh the
    failure uh that they suggest of Legion
    which Legion wasn’t like a total sales
    failure I guess but not a massive huge
    hit for Ubisoft and definitely not as
    good as the previous two games
    sales-wise so they’re pointing to that
    there was like apparently a like
    Watchdog Battle Royale type thing in the
    works or something and uh yeah as of
    right now that’s it with the franchise I
    would say you know with the headlines
    like our headline like Watchdogs is dead
    I would say Never Say Never because
    money never sleeps and Brands and
    franchises will be revived I think that
    Watchdog is on Ice more than actually
    dead and buried I could see it be
    revived at any point also there is like
    a movie in the works or there’s like a
    script being shopped around or a concept
    I don’t know but I think that Watch Dogs
    still has kind of struggled to come up
    with identity but I still think there’s
    something enough there for it to
    continue to exist one way or the other
    if you know they decide to stop making
    big expensive AAA games for it cuz it’s
    not worth the risk take Watchdogs and do
    weird fun things like how they did with
    the of Persia brand with the dead cells
    Prince of Persia game lost Crown from
    Recently I don’t know that seems cool
    but we’ll see where it goes I know a lot
    of people want to just point the blame
    at Legion you know with it kind of
    getting a mixed response from fans and
    stuff but ultimately as as someone as a
    watchdog enjoyer from the beginning I
    think it’s just a series that has always
    kind of struggled to really find its
    identity for me personally I think uh
    the the the character and the kind of
    vibe of the first game mixed with some
    of the variety and gameplay of the
    second game would have been a perfect
    mix I’m talking too much I also like I
    want to touch upon the fact that like as
    much as we we dig on Ubisoft I I’d be
    sad not to see more Watch Dogs even if I
    wasn’t the biggest fan of Legion they
    tried stuff so maybe we’ll see it again
    maybe we won’t who knows but that’s one
    of the big headlines right now jumping
    over here real quick to talk about the
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    sponsoring this video also sticking with
    Insider gaming uh linked below they are
    reporting on Assassin’s Creed hex stuff
    like a leak so to speak uh you know I
    don’t want to talk too much about it
    because I don’t want this video to get
    taken down because it is so early but
    Insider gaming has gotten Ubisoft and
    Assassin’s Creed stuff correct in the
    past and apparently hex is going to be
    part of that Assassin’s Creed Infinity
    platform and it’s going to have a female
    set during the time period that was
    already announced but it’s going to be
    focused around her being pursued by like
    German soldiers and it’s going to be
    more of like a linear more story-based
    experience if if you ask me that’s cool
    they’ve said from the beginning with
    this one that this is going to be a very
    different Assassin’s Creed game and at
    this point the games are so all over the
    place with massive open world RPGs and
    some kind of Throwbacks to the original
    games and then of course those original
    games if this is its own weird thing
    sure why not we had a pirate game game
    it felt weird for them to make a pirate
    game and then the Pirate game turned out
    to be absolutely awesome and I’m still
    talking about it so we’ll see where that
    goes I think it’s still a ways away
    there’s a lot more Assassin’s Creed
    coming before that Assassin’s Creed red
    of course and who knows what else next
    let’s talk about Sonic the Hedgehog
    because last week I try to like report
    on like the entertainment news side of
    things but I forgot to mention that
    Kiana Reeves is officially cast as
    Shadow the Hedgehog for Sonic the
    Hedgehog 3 I think those movies are good
    and I think that’s a really cool Choice
    are they going to give this Shadow
    actually a gun I really hope so because
    Keanu guns just kind of makes sense you
    yeah don’t put that in I don’t know or
    do I don’t know yeah yeah no yeah I
    don’t know I’m going crazy P has said
    that it is the year of Shadow but uh a
    new Rumor Has Come about this week about
    Sonic Frontiers 2 the rumor suggests
    that is going to be taking the
    foundation the footprint and the ideas
    of Sonic Frontier
    uh but blowing it out in a new game and
    it may not necessarily be called Sonic
    Frontiers 2 it might be Sonic something
    else and I will say as somebody who went
    on record a lot about Sonic Frontiers I
    think this is good I want that formula
    to be pursued because I liked a lot of
    the ideas and some of the gameplay
    Concepts in Sonic Frontiers it just felt
    like it was coming in hot like it felt
    like messy otherwise they figured out
    some things but then they didn’t have
    any time to spend on other things so now
    that they got some of the gameplay flow
    and formula right I would love to see
    them blow it out in something way more
    interesting and hopefully less bugs and
    weird frame rate and graphical issues
    and and just more interesting and
    cohesive all around this rumor does come
    from Daniel rpk it was reported by in a bunch of places so we
    we don’t know for sure but I I don’t
    know I feel like it’s a safe bet Sega is
    going to make another Sonic game big
    surprise and Sonic Frontiers was a
    success next up we’ve got a bunch of
    like new games dropping it it’s been a
    busy week so the first one I want to
    highlight is hand land this is out now
    this is the new RPG based on of course
    the great works of the late great Akira
    Toriyama so there’s that we didn’t have
    time to do before you buy uh I apologize
    we are a small team we are quality over
    quantity uh we don’t want to try and
    take on too many reviews and mess
    something up and piss you guys off so no
    review on that one from us but overall
    it seems like it’s being well received
    also I want to play this one another
    crabs treasure this is from smaller
    studio uh and this is a SS like but like
    you are a little cute underwater
    crab I don’t think there’s anything to
    add other than just again put up the
    gameplay here it’s it’s a crab and
    you’re killing [ __ ] cool also the
    Fallout 4 nextg update dropped for PS5
    Xbox series X and S and then there’s
    some PC stuff as well we did put out a
    before you buy on that if you want to
    check that out if you’re looking to jump
    back into the Wasteland after the new
    show or just for whatever reason there
    you go also Stellar blade is out uh at
    this point if you’re watching and I
    reviewed it and I really liked it I
    think it’s a good fun action combat game
    it’s not perfect it’s got some like
    crappy stuff in it but like I think the
    combat and the visuals and the
    presentation is so cool that it’s just
    fun and I recommend it to most action
    fans also Manor Lords City Builder with
    a kind of different spin uh it’s a very
    small Indie studio type thing but it
    released An Early Access and the
    reception has been great so far we also
    put out a before you buy four that we’ve
    been busy but also don’t miss Tales of
    kenzer Zhao uh this is a Metro Vania
    Style game this was announced at the
    game awards with actor Abu bakar Salem
    who uh made the game kind of uh dealing
    with the grief of his father and I
    started the first couple of hours of it
    and it’s very cool it’s not as complex
    as something like a Prince of Persia
    lost Crown but it makes up for it in
    like story and dialogue and just an
    interesting Adventure also it’s like a
    lower priced game so there’s that but on
    the other hand Top Spin is back um
    there’s a new Top Spin game it’s seems
    like people are digging it the reviews
    are pretty good I remember playing the
    original Xbox Top Spin back in the day
    and loving it and not knowing a thing
    about tennis so I I might I might
    consider checking this one out some
    point uh then we also just have new game
    trailers for stuff that’s not out yet uh
    first and foremost Arena breakout
    infinite this is getting uh Early Access
    release on May 8th and it’s another
    extraction shooter but this one is
    pretty also mudrunner VR this is a quest
    VR experience like a mud Runner thing
    people are still asking for like native
    fully implemented PC VR support myself
    included but for now there’s this
    experience also don’t miss tales of the
    Shire so this is dropping in 2024 and
    this to me almost is like Animal
    Crossing but with Hobbits that’s a good
    that’s a good thing you know I think
    they’re trying to get creative with some
    of these Lord of the Rings games like uh
    you know return to Moria more like that
    less like Gollum please but this trailer
    is great because it just straight up
    says right at the beginning there are
    awesome adventures in Middle Earth and
    kicking ass and doing [ __ ] this isn’t
    about that this is about chilling and
    you know sometimes I think we just need
    a Vibe game a game where you turn off
    your brain and you just do a fishing
    mini game or whatever but that’s life
    that’s about where we’re at for the
    gaming news I got to go but uh you know
    you can always yell at me on Twitter
    Instagram social media whatever Jake
    baldino my YouTube Channel Jake baldino
    I put out some more Stellar blade
    thoughts there if you want to check that
    out but let’s talk about all the stuff
    this week I really want to know what you
    guys think about Watch Dogs and the
    brand not being around anymore how do
    you think it could be revived if it is
    dead or do you think it’s just really
    dead and are you happy or sad also the
    GTA single player leak thing you know
    the info that’s out is is Agent Trevor
    something that you would have really
    [ __ ] your pants for let’s talk about
    this stuff all the new trailers
    everything like that let’s talk in the
    description down below of course there’s
    always going to be that pinned comment
    it does have a sponsored link on it but
    that pinned comment uh where you drop
    what games you’re playing this week it
    helps us for our data so thank you let
    us know what you’re playing but thank
    you guys for watching very much clicking
    the like button does help us we are here
    every Friday we never miss but I’m Jake
    baldino thank you guys for watching have
    a great weekend be safe pizza’s on me

    Thank you CTRL for sponsoring this video. If you want to make a healthier change, please go to and use code gameranx to get 10% off your first order.

    We finally hear a bit more about canceled GTA5 singleplayer stuff, Fallout 4’s next gen update, new game trailers and lots more in a week full of gaming news.


    GTA singleplayer

    Is Watch Dogs dead?

    Watch Dogs Series is Dead and Buried, It’s Claimed

    AC Hexe leaks

    EXCLUSIVE – Early Details on Assassin’s Creed Hexe

    Sonic Frontiers 2


    Another Crab’s Treasure

    Fallout 4 next gen

    Stellar Blade

    Manor Lords

    Tales of Kenzera


    Pee-Wee in Night City

    Arena Breakout: Infinite (May 8th early access) extraction shooter

    Mudrunner VR

    Tales of the Shire (2024)

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