Mortal Kombat 1 – Creator Teases Future DLC!

    the creator of Mortal Kombat himself
    just gave us a sneak peek of what’s
    coming in Mortal Kombat 1 including New
    Classic Skins new attacks for your
    favorite characters and more so of
    course we’re going to talk about it
    because another day means more Mortal
    Kombat 1 news I’m covering it all the
    time on this channel so if you want to
    stay up today then make sure to
    subscribe and ring that Bell so you
    never miss any future videos and then
    after watching if you enjoyed the video
    please leave a like down below it helps
    the channel out a ton and without any
    further Ado let’s begin after a quick
    word from from gamer Subs do you love
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    gamer STS all right and back to the
    video the creator of Mortal Kombat
    himself Ed Boon has confirmed that a lot
    more content is coming to Mortal Kombat
    1 which is definitely great news to hear
    because there are some rumors
    circulating that Mortal Kombat 1 is
    getting cut short and I think Ed Boon
    heard about those rumors maybe watch
    some videos like my video maybe and as
    the creator of Mortal Kombat he wants to
    let us know hey there’s still tons of
    content cont coming to the game for
    example he said more classic Skins are
    on the way which is great news I love
    the classic skins they look extra good
    in Mortal Kombat 1 for some reason
    already we’ve got classic skins for
    scorpion reptile smoke we got a Subzero
    skin but it’s maskless and I hate it so
    next up you know what skin I want to see
    most a classic rain skin because to this
    day I still see Angry comments about how
    rain is not a ninja anymore he’s a mage
    instead and honestly I kind of get it
    but also he still looks really cool in
    Mortal Kombat 1 but even so give the
    fans what they want I always fight for
    the players so if they want a classic
    Rain Ninja skin then give it to them and
    then while you’re at it it would be cool
    if irac got a classic ninja skin as well
    but I’m not going to hold my breath
    since none of the DLC characters have
    any extra costumes yet which is
    unfortunate but the good news is you can
    just download a mod if you’re playing on
    PC because there’s already a classic
    ninja mod for herac one of these days I
    hope it’s easier to put mods on Console
    because that would be really cool I just
    prefer playing on PS5 sometimes but
    here’s the million-dollar question what
    does Ed boon mean by classic costumes
    does the 3D era count too because we’ve
    been getting tons of 3D era costumes so
    if those count then I have some
    recommendations I really want to see
    some Shaolin monks costumes because
    believe it or not that game had some of
    the best costumes in Mortal Kombat
    history so put those in the game and
    also give us 3d aaton come on you know
    the fans want it so just give it to us
    already okay deception Tanya do it now I
    don’t even dislike how Tanya looks in
    mortal komat comat one but that
    deception costume will never be topped
    and real quick back to the classic
    costumes because I think classic Liu
    Kang would look really sick I’m a big
    fan of fire god Liu Kang don’t get me
    wrong but that MK2 costume will never be
    toed and as a result I really want to
    see it in Mortal Kombat 1 along with the
    classic ninja costumes for the ladies I
    know we already got them in Mortal
    Kombat 11 but I don’t care they looked
    great in that game and they’ll look
    really good in this game as well and as
    you all know I love making these videos
    interactive so let me know your thoughts
    in the comments down below which classic
    costumes do you want to see return in
    Mortal Kombat 1 like I keep saying in
    all my videos I truly do read each and
    every comment so grab that keyboard and
    make your voices heard because next up
    it’s time to talk about new attacks
    that’s right I said this back in my
    bounce patch review the game is not done
    getting new attacks I saw a lot of
    people getting jealous in the comments
    section saying why did rain get new
    attacks what about my boy Subzero be
    patient I promise you the new attacks
    are coming so there’s no reason to be
    jealous of reptile rain and Scorpion at
    the moment especially not scorpion
    because his new string is kind of weak I
    understand it’s safe on block but it’s
    really hard to combo into and overall
    I’m just really disappointed I thought
    at the very least it would combo into
    spear but for some reason scorpion fans
    just have to suffer along with Subzero
    fans I heard a funny Theory online that
    because Scorpion and Subzero are already
    popular the developers don’t care about
    making them good because they know
    everyone’s going to play the characters
    anyhow which is definitely an
    interesting Theory I think it’s a a bit
    far-fetched but at the same time the
    proof is right in front of us Scorpion
    and Subzero are still very lacking in
    Mortal Kombat 1 but even so they’re very
    famous so tons of players are going to
    keep using them anyway real quick let me
    know in the comments section which
    characters you think deserve new moves
    first I think Nara deserves something a
    bit extra right now she’s pretty hard to
    hit confirm with very unsafe hard to get
    in so I think giving her an Air
    projectile or a Teleport would be really
    cool just one more way to counter keep
    away characters and zoners Mortal Kombat
    1 and of course your boy Subzero needs
    some love too give the man an air
    projectile of some kind something to
    counter Zone like what he had in Mortal
    Kombat 11 the ice axe maybe or maybe
    even an ice ball from the sky that still
    freezes the opponent just like the
    ground version he had that move in
    mythologies and that’s beon Subzero just
    like in Mortal Kombat 1 so just give him
    that move why not and then finally maybe
    something cool for Havoc I don’t think
    that character is terrible or anything
    but at this point pretty much everyone
    knows how to counter him so he needs
    something extra to shake things up right
    he’s the master of chaos so give him
    something wild that keeps the opponent
    guessing that’s about it for my ideas on
    new moves so let’s move on to the new
    online modes Ed Boon said there’s more
    online modes coming to the game and I’m
    curious what that means it could be
    possible he means more public Lobby
    stuff that could be really cool but what
    about a co-op Invasion mode that would
    be sick because after the recent update
    Invasion mode is the best it’s ever been
    it’s actually lowkey kind of fun to play
    now but it could definitely be a lot
    better and I think Co-op would fix that
    problem if you allow me to drag a friend
    into Invasion and force them to suffer
    along with me I think it would be a much
    more enjoyable experience for us both
    but with that being said any online
    co-op mode would be sick like why not
    make Titan battles Co-op that would be
    really sick you had something similar in
    Mortal Kombat 11 and that was really fun
    so yeah just add more Co-op features
    that would be really awesome Co-op
    Invasion Co-op Titan bosses something
    like that I know I keep asking this but
    I want the comment section to be flooded
    okay let me know what online modes you
    want to see added to Mortal Kombat 1
    Post a comment okay last but not least
    Ed Boon said more Cameo characters are
    coming and I’m wondering what that means
    because obviously we do have Mavado he’s
    the next character he’s going to release
    sometime in the next 20 days or so and
    like I pointed out in this video he’s
    going to be crazy good this guy has some
    broken gameplay check out this video if
    you haven’t already but then after Mado
    we also know that Farah is confirmed not
    Farah T just Farah so that’s going to be
    really interesting to see on the combat
    pack listing itself those are the only
    two Cameo characters remaining but don’t
    forget that harumi accidentally got
    leaked too that’s right in case you’re
    not caught up on that news maybe you
    live under a rock the face model herself
    for her roomi accidentally spilled the
    beans and on Instagram she revealed that
    harumi is going to be a cameo fighter
    and I don’t think she’s going to be a
    reskin of default scorpion some people
    online are theorizing that but I don’t
    think they’re correct I do think harumi
    is going to be a completely new Cameo
    character however the question is will
    it be ninja harumi or will it be samurai
    harumi that we see in the cannon because
    on Instagram she posted this image but I
    don’t think this version of harumi is
    going to be in story mode that’s not the
    main timeline harumi so instead I think
    harumi is going to look closer to this
    or maybe wear some shirai rayu uniform
    that matches scorpion to some extent
    since he is now the new founder along
    with smoke and also harumi I guess all
    three of them are the founding members
    of the clan but I digress the point is
    harumi is also confirmed to be a cameo
    character and I’m wondering if she’s
    going to be snuck into the combat pack
    that would be really sick if harumi was
    free but so far that’s just me being
    hopeful right fingers crossed because
    there hasn’t been any confirmation in
    that regard instead some people theorize
    that harumi is going to be part of the
    story mode expansion for anyone not
    aware there is going to be a story mode
    part two for Mortal Kombat 1 very
    similar to how Mortal Kombat 11 got
    about the aftermath expansion and that’s
    not a leak or a rumor instead Edon
    himself has confirmed months ago that
    we’re going to get a story mode part two
    so that’s confirmed and we also know
    there’s going to be more characters and
    cameos included with that big DLC
    package and as a result many fans have
    theorized that’s when harumi is going to
    become playable as a DLC character which
    is definitely possible and no matter
    what happens I’m going to be a happy
    gamer as long as she’s not a story mode
    only Cameo that would be absolutely
    terrible and I hope that does not happen
    I don’t think it will because her face
    model did say pick me as your cameo when
    you play the game and you can’t pick the
    cameos in story mode it’s forced on you
    so you know what that’s a relief now
    that I think about it harumi is not
    going to be a story mode only Cameo
    that’s fantastic news at the end of the
    day I’m just happy that Mortal Kombat 1
    is getting all this content I’m not sure
    if it’s going to be the longest
    supported Mortal Kombat game like we
    were told initially but I still think
    it’s going to get a ton of content for
    the next year maybe the next 2 years and
    that just has me really excited thank
    you so much for watching everyone and I
    hope you enjoyed if you did please leave
    a like down below it helps the channel
    out a ton and then finish that combo by
    subscribing and ringing that Bell so you
    never miss any future videos make sure
    to come back next time and as always
    stay underdogs

    The Creator of Mortal Kombat 1 Reveals the Future DLC Plans! From Klassic Skins to New Game Modes and Extra Moves for Characters! Mortal Kombat 1 has Lots of Content Planned for the Future after Homelander! Post in the Comments What You Want!

    #mortalkombat1 #mortalkombat #gaming

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