
    Posted by Soplox


    1. We’re ok with killing, body mutilating, dismembering, etc. Totally ok! But panties? Oh no! We gotta sensor that! πŸ™„

    2. ModsOverLord on

      If this bothers you just stop playing video games bc your whining is bothering the rest of us

    3. I’m not asking for this to be censored BTW. MFs are saying that this game was censored and Im here trying to find that censorship.

    4. Censorship?? Bro there’s literally the option for her to be butt ass nekkid!

    5. She landed on a lubed bad dragon dildo in the original uncensored directors vision.

    6. UchihaDareNial on

      It is certain outfit that get unnecessarily censored patch in version 1.001.000 (1.002.000 censored Hard R graffiti which is stupid too)

      The launch version 1.000.000 doesn’t have the certain outfit censored at all

    7. Objective-Aioli-1185 on

      This game just didn’t click for me. Sure ass and boobs but it doesn’t hit like it would when I was young lol some of us actually have grown and changed and gained some self control.

    8. lesshatemorenature on

      Horny ppl also gna complain until it’s porn. Agree with op this is already sexy stuff imo. Both camps need to chill.

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