Digital Foundry: Fallout 4’s next-gen upgrade launch could have gone better

    Posted by Fidler_2K


    1. DF has confirmed that the modes on Xbox are bugged. They rechecked after Bethesda tweeted about Quality and Performance modes working as intended:

      > It’s all a bit baffling. Patch notes describe a 4K 60fps performance mode, a 4K 30fps/40fps quality alternative (depending on whether you are running on a 60Hz or 120Hz display) and a 1440p ultra settings variant. This seems to have been delivered for PS5, but there are problems with Xbox Series X. The performance/quality mode toggle does not work. The evidence suggests that Series X is locked to performance mode only. Disabling this on Series X doesn’t seem to change anything – and visuals are notably cut back not only up against PlayStation 5’s quality mode, but also against the Xbox One X 4K 30fps back-compat variant you could play last week.
      > This looked like a cut-and-dried bug we reported to Bethesda last week as soon as we noticed it, only for this tweet to emerge from the publisher on Sunday, suggesting that everything was fine – quality mode worked, apparently, and it ran at 60fps too, seemingly targeting dynamic resolution scaling to maintain performance. Perhaps we were mistaken? We’re only human. We get things wrong, just like anyone else. However, fresh captures told the same story – we’re still seeing no difference between performance and quality modes, and in the rare instances where frame-rate does drop on Series X, even this happens identically between the two modes.

      As it stands right now the Xbox One X version looks better graphically than any current version available on Xbox Series consoles, and the PS5 version is seemingly working as intended (4K30 and 4K40 quality modes along with a 60fps performance mode).

    2. So basically, the best way to play Microsoft games is to play them on a PS5. Way to go MS.

    3. Acceptable_Stuff1381 on

      I think I’m dumb, lol, but I’m not understanding the difference. If they are both 4k, who wouldn’t want 60fps? Is that the only difference? All weekend I played and it looked and played great. Is the quality mode one supposed to look better at the expense of frames? And if I have a 4k tv, what’s the difference? 

    4. LOSTandCONFUSEDinMAY on

      Bethesda’s idea of next-gen performance was Starfield so this about as expected.

    5. Did the Starfield delay and then its middling reception just crater the resources for this update? I simply can’t imagine announcing an update this small 2 years ahead of time. I am convinced they envisioned doing a Skyrim SE style update to Fallout 4 to bring it into the Starfield engine while they prepped for full development on ES6 and then with Starfields delay they had to hit the breaks and turned it into this tiny update.

    6. DinnerSmall4216 on

      Debating whether to play the backwards compatible PS4 version on ps5 or the next gen update. Heard mixed things about the update.

    7. Feeling really good about my decision to sell my Series X and buying a PS5 a couple months ago

    8. Informal_Jelly_8430 on

      Good to know that a PS5 is the way to go to play Microsoft games now. It’s just embarrassing at this point to be an xbox player.

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