We’ve come a long way from that…

    Posted by LZR0


    1. It seems as if for the past few years there has been talks about how Xbox is doomed, the console is done for, people labeling 4 studios as a lot. It simply is a shit time for the console market at the moment. Gonna be real blunt here, but, i’m not preparing a basket of tnt’s to throw at Microsoft, I want games as a consumer, and if there are no games that entice me to invest in the future of Xbox, I always have my OG Xbox and the 360 to go to. Condolences to those who got their jobs yoinked from them, but I’m in it for the games and features.

    2. I think it’s funny how people immediately dog on Phil for the recent closures and fail to realize that he has bosses at Microsoft.

    3. dreadsreddit on

      i never believed in him. after gamepass and one x, year over year was more and more disappointing. more delays, more nothing nothing announcements. more underwhelming forgettable games until we got here where we are now.

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